Got 99 Problems and the Sewings Not Going to Get Done

This year like most years I set myself up some pretty high expectations on all the gifts that I am going to make for my family and friends. I spends hours prusing through Pintrest trying to find the perfect gift to make …that’s my justifcation for all the time I get sucked in on Pintrest.  Of course this planning is all done in the summer and early fall, so I have plenty of time, I will just make a couple gifts a month and when Christmas gets here I will be done.

I just realized that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and well my plan to be organized and on top of Chirstmas gifts went out the window. So here I am looking at ads and trying to reevaluate my Christmas gift list, you will not catch me Black Friday shopping… that is not for me, I like to do all my shopping online.  However, I can’t not make just a few gifts, so you will find me late at night at my sewing machine after the kids are in bed probably questioning my sanity.  So with that being said here are the projects that I am going to take on before Santa arrives.

I was so excited when April Rhodes released her Popover Poncho  . What a perfect gift for some women in my life. I am a huge fan of April Rhodes patterns, they are great for everyone from the new sewer to the experianced. She has fantastic direction, that are much less intimidating than some of the name brand patterns.

Popover Poncho - April Rhodes

Popover Poncho – April Rhodes

For the boys teachers this year I am making the Snappy Manicure Wallet from Noodle-Head, this is a free pattern on her site. I only have to make 7 of them before school lets out for Christmas break. Piece of cake..right.

Snappy Manicure Wallet - Noodle-Head

Snappy Manicure Wallet – Noodle-Head

What are your plans for Chirstmas gifts, any projects you are working on?

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.  My family has had a blessed year and we have a lot to be thankful for.



New Fabric Has Arrived At My Shop

Nothing makes me more giddy than knowing the big brown truck is going to pull in my drive and deliver a box of new fabric. It is like Christmas at my house for that hour or two, while I lovingly look at each fabric, thinking about all the wonderful things I want to make. Then my husband usually brings me down from cloud 9 and reminds me that the fabric is for my Etsy shop not for my personal enjoyment. Well….at least not all of it. I mean I have to try some of it right. What kind of sales person would I be if I did not test the product out first.

The first of the fabric is from Art Gallery and it is the Arizona Collection from the extremely talented April Rhodes. I absolutely love every print in this collection and had such a hard time deciding which ones to purchase for my shop. ARZ-553-Agave-Field-500px ARZ-554-Triangle-Tokens-500px ARZ-552-Clay-Sundot-500px ARZ-551-Tomahawk-Stripe-500px ARZ-550-Desert-Blanket-500px ARZ-557-Arid-Horizon-500px


When this arrived I knew I was going to have to make a Staple Dress also by April Rhodes out of one of these fabrics. I ended up going with Desert Blanket. I absolutely love how it turned out. this is the perfect dress to wear this fall with tights or leggings.  To purchase this pattern go to . Not only is April an amazing fabric designer, but her patterns are fantastic… anyone can make them from the new sewer to and experienced one. I also ended up making a hip purse to take to Disney World with me out of Agave Fields, look for a tutorial on this hip purse soon. It was just the right size for all the must haves while walking around the park.

staple dress with arizona arizona purse1


The second line of fabric is also from Art Gallery it is Gleeful from Sew Caroline. I love how bright and cheery this fabric is. Check out her blog she has some excellent tutorials

GFL-385-Cheerful-Echo-500px GFL-384-Springs-Sun-500px GFL-383-Lively-Buds-500px GFL-382-After-the-Rain-500px GFL-380-Preppy-Fleurs-500px

You can find all these fabrics in my shop Sew On The Edge
